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贊助爾文 Support Irving

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贊助爾文 Support Irving


嗨,你好,若對 Irving 爾文撰寫的文章內容與社群經營覺得很有幫助,並覺得可以鼓勵持續經營下去,讓更多新加入的夥伴也可以收穫滿滿,歡迎贊助一杯紅茶給爾文 ^^

Irving 爾文持續分享更多的網站設計與建置相關的實戰經驗分享,透過撰寫更詳細的文章講解、錄製影片教學等方式分享在各大社群媒體與部落格,一起學習與進步神速!

🍎 分享主題包含 Web UIUX、網頁視覺設計、網站內容規劃與 SEO 搜尋引擎優化技巧、Shopify 電商網站設計小訣竅、WordPress 品牌形象網站設計小訣竅、Shopify App 和 WordPress 外掛推薦與使用心得、行銷設計與程式開發等各種實用的數位工具使用方式。

🍎 附上不斷更新的網站資源分享,可以蒐藏至網頁書籤:

🍎 歡迎訂閱電子報


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🥕 線上交談目前主要使用的線上即時交談工具)
🥕 Line 官方賬號:@irvinglab
🥕 FB messenger:@irvinglab

Hi there! If you find Irving's articles and social media management helpful and believe they encourage continuous operation, benefiting more newcomers with valuable insights, feel free to sponsor a cup of tea for Irving ^^

Irving continues to share practical experiences in website design and development. This includes writing detailed articles, creating video tutorials, and sharing on various social media platforms and blogs, all aimed at learning and progressing rapidly together!

🍎 Topics shared include Web UI/UX, web visual design, website content planning, SEO optimization techniques, Shopify e-commerce design tips, WordPress brand website design tricks, recommendations and reviews of Shopify Apps and WordPress plugins, as well as various digital tools for marketing, design, and programming.

🍎 Here's a constantly updated resource sharing link, which you can save to your bookmarks:

🍎 Welcome to subscribe Irvinglab Newsletter:

If you have any questions or ideas to share, you can contact Irving through the following methods:

🥕 Email me:
🥕 Online chat: (currently the main instant messaging tool used)
🥕 Line official account: @irvinglab
🥕 FB messenger: @irvinglab

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